Saturday, December 13, 2008

Random Manuscript Facts

  • 100 double-spaced manuscript pages, in Times New Roman 12 pt font, equals approximately 25,000 words
  • to figure out how many pages your manuscript might be in print, multiply the number of double-spaced manuscript pages you have (Times New Roman, 12 pt font) by 5; then, divide the total by 4. So 160 manuscript pages x 5 = 800; 800 / 4 = 200 published pages.
  • Even though most of us are not likely to write Star Trek novels, it might be a good idea to review the submission guidelines for them. The guidelines contain some good advice.


Betty Edit said...

I assume you mean 100 double-spaced manuscript pages, in Times New Roman 12-point font.

My Manuscript Stinks Society said...

Thanks, Betty. I corrected the blog entry. You are correct. The manuscript needs to be in 12 pt Times New Roman.

Heather Dixon said...

Yikes, that means my manuscript right now is nearly 700 pages! Eep!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Great info. Thanks! Not that I have 100 pages of anything but it's good to know anyway.

whirligigdaisy said...

I'm with Lynne. Don't have 100 pages, but this at least means that I have a lot more writing to do. I knew that already, but now I see just how much more. Yikes. Great info, though. Thanks.