Find a Publisher

Step #2: Find a Publisher that Matches Your Work

Children's & Young Adult Magazine Markets

If you are writing a short story, poem, article, activity, craft, recipe, rebus story, game, or song for a children's or young adult magazine, then spend some time studying magazine submission guidelines and reading current magazine issues. In the end, you will want to find publishers who print the kind of writing you create.

When reading submission guidelines, look for the genres the magazine publishes, as well as word count limits and how to submit. Some magazines, like Highlights, request full manuscripts, while others, including Calliope, only accept queries. Some magazines require you to submit in hard copy via snail mail; others ask for electronic submissions. And finally, some magazines have theme lists that your piece must match, while other magazines accept general submissions.

When reading sample magazines, pay attention to the tone, diction, paragraph length, style, usual topics and treatment of topics. Look for clues that will help you better understand what this publisher values in writing.

To help get you started, we have compiled an online spreadsheet of children's and young adult magazines.

The spreadsheet includes: the magazine name; the target readership of the magazine; type of magazine (whether it's a girls' magazine or a history magazine or a general magazine that publishes a mix of topics and genres); the publishing group the magazine belongs to; a link to the magazine's online submission guidelines; how to submit (online or by mail; full manuscript or query; whether there's a theme list or not and whether that theme list has a set deadline); and where to find samples of the magazine both online and in print.

The spreadsheet is organized into individual pages: Magazines without Theme Lists; Magazines with Theme Lists; Religious Magazines; and Magazine Contests.

While our listing contains many magazines, it is by no means exhaustive. You can find out about additional magazine publishers in the current edition of The Writer's Market.

Knowing Your Work Library of Congress Style (LOC)

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